Light Quadro „the 4-sided“

The quadrilateral Quadro, four photos, four of your memories.
Sales price 75,00 CHF

Bilder Upload:
Benennen Sie die Bilddateien mit Front, links, rechts und hinten bevor Sie diese uploaden. / Name the image files front, left, right and back before uploading them.
Leuchte Quadro „die 4-eckige“
Leuchte Quadro „die 4-eckige“
Leuchte Quadro „die 4-eckige“
Leuchte Quadro „die 4-eckige“

This type of luminaire is equipped with an LED bulb (included in the price).

Format: Height 450 mm, width and depth 185 mm

Size: 4-sided printed

Image data: For printing, we need a high-resolution JPG or PDF file (CMYK color mode).

Remark: Resolution of image data at least 300 dpi, print format 1:1

Image section (a landscape image): The image you selected for the 4-cornered luminaire can only consist of one horizontal image. Here the whole picture is visible around all 4 corners. The following tips; When photographing the Eiffel Tower, it should be in the middle of the picture. Thus, the main object is visible on the front and the rest of the image extends all around. In the case of a landscape image without the center of the object, the section of the transverse image does not matter. It is important that the object should not be on the right or left edge of the picture. Otherwise, this is on the back of the closure technology.

Image section (three / four portrait images): You want to place several different pictures on the lamp. Please use portrait pictures for this purpose. Write the image files with front, left, right and back before uploading them. Based on this information, the images are placed at the desired page by us. If no information is available, the images will be placed at their discretion. With only three delivered images, our graphics department will leave the back white or black in color depending on the supplied sujet's.

Equipment: manufactured with 6x clip eyelets, socket incl. Connection set with rocker switch, fully assembled (CE-tested), incl. LED illuminant, the luminaires are assembled, packaged in ready-to-ship boxes.

Material: white transparent / opal, 100% recyclable, 0.8 mm (B1 certified)

Weight: Lamp 0.500 kg, shipping container, 0.400 kg., Total shipping weight 0.900 kg.

Delivery times: In order to produce your luminaires optimally, we require about 10 working days from the order.

Presentation of the luminaires: All Prilight luminaires should only be exhibited and presented well protected from humidity indoors or outdoors.

Extra information:

The image you selected for the Prilight luminaires Mini, Wand, Standard and the Display's should always be a landscape format and the picture section should be taken in the middle of the overall picture.

With the Quadro luminaire, you can upload 3 or 4 different portrait pictures or you can use a single cross-section.

For the Prilight luminaires Interior, Dimmi and Switch, please use high-format images and make sure that the image section is placed in the middle of the overall picture.

Please note that during zooming, the image resolution may be reduced and the quality of the data may be adversely affected. Use image data such as (JPG, PDF) in the highest possible resolution and insert it in our order process (image upload).

For reasons of economy and safety, we only use LED bulbs.

If you have not read this, we will contact you in case of doubt by mail to deliver you a perfect product.

In the shop different Prilight lights with different sujet's can be ordered in one go. From a larger order quantity, we recommend that you contact us in advance by mail.

Please send us your concerns and needs by mail. We will contact you as soon as possible and present you with an optimal solution.

Units in box: 1